We are so excited to be bringing back our Annual Conference next year with the theme "Groups: Here and Now." The conference will be held on Saturday April 27, 2024 and we are close to securing a Boston-area venue.
The focus of this conference is on current theoretical perspectives and considerations of modern day practice.
We are seeking proposals for 90-minute workshops.
And, in the spirit of encouraging mentorship, we are trying out a new format where a newer NSGP member joins with a more senior member to collaborate with on a workshop.
- Is there anyone you'd like to work with?
- Would you like to mentor someone?
- Do you have a workshop idea percolating?
- Do you have an idea the NSGP community would be interested in?
Reach out to a person you would like to work with and share ideas. Click HERE to complete the RFP Form and submit your proposal.
Don't delay! We need your proposal by February 1st!
We look forward to hearing your ideas and providing you with the best conference possible. Please contact us with questions or for further details.
Your NSGP Conference Committee Team
Kim McNamara, Jenn DeSouza, Amanda Neas, Natasha Khoury